Responsible Service of Gaming Policy
Nambour RSL club provides a pleasant and safe gambling environment for the enjoyment of all patrons. Recognising the importance of all customers’ wellbeing the Club is committed to providing an ethical and responsible service through a regulated environment where the potential for harm associated with gambling is minimised and people make informed decisions about their participation in gambling.
Whilst adhering to all relevant Acts and the Queensland Responsible Gambling code of Practice, Nambour RSL Club actively pursues outcomes that are not only socially responsible but responsive to community concerns through the implementation of the following strategies.
- Provision of Information. Prominent Signage alerts patrons to the availability of information such as Player Information Guides outlining odds/win rates, brochures on potential harm associated with gambling and where to get help for problem gambling by providing contact details of options including counselling and advisory support agencies.
- Interaction with Customers and Community. The Club liaises with the community through established networks including community support agencies. All senior staff members complete accredited training courses including Customer Liaison Training ensuring that a CLO is always in attendance to assist patrons.
- Training and Skills Development. All staff will hold the Responsible Service of Gambling Statement of Attainment
- Exclusion provisions. Patrons who believe they have a problem with gambling are actively supported and assisted to complete Self-exclusion procedures to control their gambling habits. Patrons are made aware of exclusion provisions through signage at the entrance to and other locations within the Club.
- Minors. The Club prohibits all person under the age of 18 from gambling or being present in areas where adults are gambling. Staff will alert patrons where necessary.
- Alcohol. Patrons who are unduly intoxicated are not permitted to continue gambling.
- Financial Transactions Policy. ATMs are not located in designated gambling areas. Credit is not extended for the purpose of gambling. A maximum cash limit applies to all winnings that reflect the agreed maximum amount approved by the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation and Keno. Any winnings above the approved limit will be paid by cheque. Cheques for winnings will not be cashed by the Club on the same day they are issued. Prominent signage is provided to advise patrons of limits to cash access and cheque cashing.
- Advertising and promotions. All advertising, signage and promotions will reflect patrons and community attitudes, the standards prevailing and comply with the Advertising Code of Ethics adopted by the Australian Association of National Advertisers.